::: 김학동한의원 :::
Ŀ´Ƽ Խ ѹĮ
ۼ : 22-11-30 21:11
>ħ(ħ)ġ Ѿġ ȣ '¼ Ӹ ' ȯ 1
 ۾ : е (222..117.60)
ȸ : 5,745  
   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVBRF8L9mRM [2862]
   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIZW5kOBKFk [2865]

ħ(ħ)ġ Ѿġ ȣ '¼ Ӹ ' ȯ 1
A case report of Acupotomy and Herbal Medicine Treatment for Patient with Essential Head Tremor.

Hagdong Kim , Daewon Shin
Correspondence to:Hagdong Kim
Kim hagdong Korean Medicine Clinic, 102/104, 3, Jungheung-ro 255beon-gi, Buk-gu, Pohang 37749, Korea
Tel: +82-54-278-7582
Fax: +82-54-278-7581
E-mail: hagdong@hanmail.com
Keywords Essential Head tremor, Acupotomy and Herbal Medicine Treatment, Case report

The aim of this study was to report the effect of acupotomy and herbal medicine treatment for patient with essential head tremor. One patient with essential head tremor was treated with acupotomy and herbal medicine. The patient reported that the tremor had been relived significantly. Acupotomy and Herbal medicine treatment is effective on Essential head tremor.

  ü Ϻΰ Ҽ ֱ⸦ ̴ ̻ȯ ٸ ǥ ̻ȯ (myoclonus), ̻(dystonia), (chorea) ȴ. ̰ ª Ÿ ݰ ̻ȯ̰1,2) ̻ Ư ̰ ݺ Ͽ ü ̰ų Ʋ ̻ȯ̸2), ߵ ü ұĢ ġ ̰ų Ÿ ̻ ȯ̴3). ̷ ̻ȯ ٸ ۿ(agonist) ױ(antagonist) Ǵ ÿ Ͽ Ģ̰ 󵵸 ̸鼭 (sinusoidal) Ҽ ̴ ̻ȯ̴4)
 ¼ ̻ȯ ü α 0.7% ̰, ο ߻󵵰 ؼ 65 ̻ α 4.6% ȯ ִ5). ¼ ȯڿ ̰  Ÿ Ұ Ͽ ġḦ Ȱ ϰ ִ. α ȣƮ ϸ ¼ ȯ ġḦ ޴ ȯڴ 27% Ұ߰6), Ű 4% ġḦ ް ־7). ݸ, ¼ ϻȰɷ¿ ް ִ ȯڴ 73% Ǿ8). , ־ ȯ ν Ͽ ġḦ ʴ ȯڵ ̴.9)
  ¼ ġ ȣŰ ๰ġᰡ ⺻̴. θ ǰ ִ ๰ propranolol primidone̴. ̿ܿ Clonazepam, nadolol, sotalol, timolol, atenolol, phenobarbitone, alprazolam, topiramate, gabapentin ִ.(10,11)  Ϻ ¼ ȯڿ ſ ɰϿ ۾, Ļ, Ա ϻȰ ȥڼ ๰ ġῡ ʴ ɰ ȯڵ ִ. ̷ ȯڵ鿡 û(thalamus) nucleus ventralis intermedius ġ ɺڱ(deep brain stimulation)̳ ûı(thalamotomy) 12,13) ̳ Ȥ źп ۿ ִ. 14,15)
 , ü Ͽ ּħ ħġ, ħġ ȿ 䱸 ִ. ¼ ȯڸ ȸ(GV20), (EX-HN1), (LR3), հ(LI4), 縪õ(GB34), dz(GB20) ֿ ڸ ħġḦ RCT 8(ħ propranolol ġ 5, ܵħġ 3) Ÿм ȿ(Total Effective Rate, TER) ܵ propranolol ħġḦ ܵ ๰ Բ ġ ο Ұ ǹϰ Ǿ.16). ħġḦ ؼҼ̴.  2021 ħġḦ üӸ ġʿ 1 Ѵ. ش翬 Ʈ üӸ Ű αŰ ȭ ǥ ġߴ.17)
  ֺ ؼϿ ȯ Ű ¼ ҵ ̶ Ҵ. ׷ ӵ Ǯ ִ ħ ġ ַ ġ Ͽ. ȯڴ ħġḦ ϴ ӵ ȣ , ϱ⿡ ȣ ־. ٻ Ͽ Ƚ 1ȸ پ, ħ ġ ݵǴ   ڱط Ϲ ȣħ ġ ٲٸ鼭 ġ ӵ ȭ . ġ Ƚ ҿ ħ ڱط ҵ 3ְ ġ ġ޾Ҵ ʹ ȸ⿡ ġӵ ȸ Ǿ. ̸ ħġ ¼ ǹ ӻ ⿡ ̿ ϰ Ѵ.
2.1. ȯ
ȯڴ 54 ȯڷ 1 Ӹ ּ 2022 7 8 ġḦ Ͽ еǿ ߴ. ϻȰ ϴµ  溴 ʾҰ,  ġᰡ ó̶ ߴ. ش ȯڿ ħ, Ϲħ ġ ׸ ߳ġ ѾġḦ ߰ ߴ.
2.2. ȯ ׸
1 ۵ Ӹ ¿ Ű , , , ؼ ̾߱⸦ ϰ ָ ϸ ٰ ߴ. ȯ Ǹ ϰ Կ 78(1)м Ӹ ¿ 4~5Hz ֱ⸦ ټ . δ ħ ๰ 귯 ϴٰ Ͽ, 151/104 ټ Ǿ. ݱ ũ Ͱų ߴ , ϰ ִ , ð, Ϸ翡 ݰ ɴٰ Ͽ.
2.3. ġ
 22 7 8 22 10 14 ħġ 8ȸ, Ϲħ ġ 17ȸ, ߳ġ 4ȸ, ѾġḦ ߴ.(table 1) ȯڴ ׺ · ߴ. 6 ˻ ɵ  ־, ߻ ̻ ¶ Ǵߴ. ¼ Ӹ ȯ ȸ Ӹ ϴ ߺ ɸ Ͽ ̶ ħġ ϹħġḦ Ͽ ߴ. 4ȸ ߳ġ ߴ.
2.3.1. ħ, ħ, ߳ġ
ġ ׼(ιݱر semispinalis, ¸ trapezius, ĵϻﰢ, ǻ splenius ؼ), C1ȾC2ص(׼ ٴ, ĵ, ϵλ Myodural bridges_MDB ҹڸ ؼҷ ȯ ), C23( C2,3 İ; ۿ ϴ ؼ). , õ(¸, ߰ű ؼ), C1Ⱦ, C1Ⱦ, SCM, , ϵλ(ֺ ؼ), 󵹱(ֽŰġ) Ǿ ġ , ȯ 嵵 ȮϿ ߴ ġߴ.
  ħ ü 迭 ߺ dz() Ǯְ, ؼ Ű 嵵 Ǯֱ ؼ ߴ. 4ȸ ߳ġ JS߽ſ ַ Ͽ , Ǿ ִ ֺ ̿ϽŰ ġߴ.

Table1.Timeline of patient's treatments

2.3.2. Ѿ
شȯڴ ϸ ٰ ߴ. ؼְ, Ұϴ ó ַ Ͽ ÿ dz, û ǵ â(developing a new medicine)ߴ. 嵵 Ǯ鼭 7 25Ͽ Ա 뺯 Ѵ. ֺ. Ϸ 3 Ͽ, 縦 ٿֱ ؼ ó濡 Ű , , ߰ Ͽ 8 17 Ѿ ٲٰ ̶ Ͽ ־.

Table2. Composition of herbal medicine

2.4. ġ
  7 8 ġ '1' м ¿ Ӹ 4~5Hz(1ʿ 4ȸ 5ȸ ¿ ) .  8 2ϱ ħġ 4ȸ, 0.25mm*30mm ȣħġ 7ȸ '2'ó Կϴ 11ʰ ¿ Ӹ ҽǵǾ, 9 24ϱ ħġ 4ȸ, 0.25mm*30mm ȣħġ 4ȸ 0.2mm*30mm ȣħġ 3ȸ '3'ó 鸲 ° Կ 13ʰ Ǿ. 10 14ϱ ħġ 0ȸ, 0.2mm*30mm ȣħġ 3ȸ '4' 1 پ 4~5Hz ٽ ƿ Ǿ.
 1 2 ԿǴ ġ ù ȸ⿡ 1ȸ ħġ 2ȸ 0.25mm*30mm ȣħġḦ ޾, 2 3 ̸ ι° ȸ⿡ 82Ͽ 9 24ϱ 8ְ 4ȸ ħġḦ ޾ 0.5ȸ ħġ 1ȸ 0.2mm*30mm ȣħġḦ ޾Ҵ. 9 13 ħġḦ ' Ϲħ ַ Ͽ ġϰ ʹ' Ͽ ȯڴ 9 13 ķ 1ȸ ֱⰡ Ͽ. ħġ Ͽ źΰ Ÿ ġῡ ݵǴ ڱط ̱ 0.2mm*30mm ȣħġḸ ߴ.
 ȯڽ 82 Ӹ ε ϴٰ , 913Ϻ (Ϲ)ħġ Ͽ ġϰ ʹ١, 1014Ͽ ġ Ͽ 10->2 پ 鸰١ Ͽ Ӹ ȭ δ.
ۿ(agonist) ױ(antagonist) Ǵ ÿ Ͽ Ģ̰ 󵵸 ̸鼭 (sinusoidal) Ҽ ̴ ̻ȯ̴4).
¼ ̻ȯ ü α 0.7% ̰, ο ߻󵵰 ؼ 65 ̻ α 4.6% ȯ ִ5). ¼ ȯڿ ̰  Ÿ Ұ Ͽ ġḦ Ȱ ϰ ִ. α ȣƮ ϸ ¼ ȯ ġḦ ޴ ȯڴ 27% Ұ߰6), Ű 4% ġḦ ް ־7). ݸ, ¼ ϻȰɷ¿ ް ִ ȯڴ 73% Ǿ8). , ־ ȯ ν Ͽ ġḦ ʴ ȯڵ ̴9).
¼ ȯ Ư üĿ Ǵ ˻ ŷ û Ű ܵȴ. ¼ ն 4-10 Hz  Ư¡ ̴. ն 鼭 Ӹ ִ ȯ ̻ ٸ ¼ зѴ18).
 ¼ ȯڸ ϰ ϱ ⺻ Ű ܿ ȴ. м Fahn-Tolosa-Marin tremor rating scale θ ǰ 19), ǿ κ ȯڿ ڼ ӻ ܿ ߿ϴ20).
 ¼ ȯڸ ִ Ų Ǵ Ųı ſ ߿ϴ. ¼ Ų Ǵ Ųı , ġ, ȯڿ ġ ſ ū ̸ ̱ Ȯ ߿ϴ. Ĺ Ű漼 ҽ θ Ǵ ִ Ĺοü([18F] fluorinated-N-3-fluoropropyl-2--carboxymethoxy-3--(4-iodophenyl)nortropane, [18F] FP-CIT PET) ˻簡 ʿ ִ21,22). [18F] FPCIT PET ˻翡 ¼ ȯڵ Ұ , Ų ȯڵ Ĺ Ű漼 Ҹ ûϴ Ұ Ȯϰ ִ. [18F] FP-CIT PET ִ Ƿ ſ ̱ , ӻ ؼ Ų ȯڿ ִ , , , Ҹ ȭ(hypophonia), ǥ (masked face), ۾ü ȭ(micrographia)  ʿϴ20).
¼ ġ ȣŰ ๰ġᰡ ⺻̴. θ ǰ ִ ๰ propranolol primidone̴. ̿ܿ Clonazepam, nadolol, sotalol, timolol, atenolol, phenobarbitone, alprazolam, topiramate, gabapentin ִ10,11). Ϻ ¼ ȯڿ ſ ɰϿ ۾, Ļ, Ա ϻȰ ȥڼ ๰ ġῡ ʴ ɰ ȯڵ ִ. ̷ ȯڵ鿡 û(thalamus) nucleus ventralis intermedius ġ ɺڱ(deep brain stimulation)̳ ûı(thalamotomy) 12,13) ̳ Ȥ źп ۿ ִ. 14,15)
 ¼ ؿ ȿ ġḦ ؼ ¼ Ư¡ ʿ䰡 ִ. A. Gironell ¼ ġϴ ڱ ҳ ޵Ǹ -aminobutyric acid (GABA) ̹Ƿ ȭȴٰ ߴ23). κ ¼ ҳ ǰ ̴24).
  ֺ ؼϿ ȯ Ű ¼ ҵ ̶ Ҵ. ׷ ӵ Ǯ ִ ħ ġ ַ ġ Ͽ. ȯڴ ħġḦ ϴ ӵ ȣ , ϱ⿡ ȣ ־. ٻ Ͽ Ƚ 1ȸ پ, ħ ġ ݵǴ   ڱط Ϲ ȣħ ġ ٲٸ鼭 ġ ӵ ȭ . ġ Ƚ ҿ ħ ڱط ҵ 3ְ ġ ġ޾Ҵ ʹ ȸ⿡ ġӵ ȸ Ǿ.
ȯڽ ȿ Ұ, ̶ , м ֵ ȣǾ ټ ȭ δ. ߺ ر Ǯ ¿ ġⰣ , ȿ ū ħġᰡ · ġḦ ٽ ݾ ȸ͵ ؼϿ. , ȯڿ Ͽ ġ ġȽ ȴٸ ¼ Ӹ ġᰡ ſ ǹ ȿ ȴ.
Written informed consent has been obtained from the patient(s) to publish this paper.

HK-Writing original draft, DS-Reviewing and editing.

The authors declare no conflict of interest

Hagdong Kim, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5954-2045
Daewon Shin, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1269-5773

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